It’s not easy being sick. The fever, the aches and pains–they can make you want to retreat from life altogether.
But there are things you can do to help yourself feel a little better: drink plenty of fluids, take your medication as directed, go for gentle walks outdoors if possible, or at least stay home and rest.
One thing that might be hard to do when you’re feeling terrible is keep quiet during those times when nature calls–especially if it’s diarrhea!
If you’re interested in how to avoid a noisy, smelly mess, then read on.
It’s a reality – dropping one can be noisy and, if it’s diarrhea then it can sound like a mud throwing competition is taking place. Sometimes it can be loud and embarrassing if you’re in the public restroom with people occupying nearby stalls. If this has happened to you (I know it has), then these useful tips will teach you how to poop without making a noise.
Take aim before you fire
Okay, aim isn’t just reserved for peeing, but also while taking a dump.
There is an art to aiming when it comes to defecation that you need to remember.
It is no surprise that the louder noise you make will be related to if your poop hits the water first before them hitting the bowl of the toilet, right?
This is why it’s important that you learn to angle your turd down the bowl.
Whether or not you have diarrhea or constipation, holding your poop in while going to the bathroom will make things much easier when it comes time for “launch” of your fecal matter into the toilet, however don’t just let it drop under power as this will have the noisiest results.
Instead, make sure that you angle your poop into the bowl of the toilet – aim for the wall of the bowl to minimise the impact.
Sometimes you may need to wriggle a bit and adjust position, which, when you have diarrhea, can be tricky so watch out that you don’t make a mess.
If you are thunderstruck then these can help

You can try coughing
This is a strategy used by many women just as they break wind and it may just work to mask the noise of your diarrhea splatter.
You will need to be spot on with your timing and, if the ‘drop’ is prolonged then your coughing efforts may not be sufficient.
You’ll also need to realise that if you do get the timing wrong then everyone will know that you failed in your efforts to hide your condition.
Manage the flow
Slow down the pace at which your stool is expelled to make it easier for you to prevent embarrassing sounds.
That’s a top tip and one that you are advised to work at if you wish to mask the noise.

Be noisy yourself
If you are in a public restroom the chances are that other people will be making some noise which may mask yours such as using hand dryers or talking.
But if they are using paper towels then you might need to think about how you can make some noises yourself to mask the sound of diarrhea.
You could pretend to talk on your cellphone, play some music, sing or just babble along ( which could have a worse effect than the diarrhea sound).
Flush and go
This may sound like something you might hear in a TV commercial but the idea is to flush just as you plop and hope that the sound of the flush is enough to mask the sound of diarrhea.
You’ll also need to keep your fingers crossed that you don’t block the toilet which could have disastrous consequences.
Why is it important to be quiet when you have diarrhea?
Being quiet can help you maintain privacy and prevent unnecessary embarrassment or discomfort in public or shared spaces.
How can I control the noise when I have diarrhea?
To control noise, try to control the speed and force with which you release gas or stool. This can be achieved by consciously relaxing your muscles and taking slow, controlled breaths.
What can I do to minimize noise in public restrooms?
To minimize noise in public restrooms, you can flush the toilet before you begin, run the sink water, or use tissue paper to muffle any sounds.
Are there any medications that can help reduce noise during diarrhea?
There are no specific medications that target noise reduction during diarrhea. However, taking an over-the-counter anti-diarrheal medication may help reduce the frequency and urgency of bowel movements.
How can I maintain discretion when using a public restroom?
Choose a stall that is farther away from other occupied stalls to maintain privacy. Additionally, consider using ambient noise, such as running water or a hand dryer, to help mask any noises.
Are there any dietary changes that can help reduce noise during diarrhea?
Certain foods can worsen diarrhea, so it’s best to avoid spicy, greasy, or high-fiber foods. Opt for bland, easy-to-digest options like plain rice, toast, bananas, and boiled potatoes.
Can stress or anxiety contribute to excessive noise during diarrhea?
Yes, stress and anxiety can affect bowel function and contribute to excessive noise during diarrhea. Finding ways to manage stress, such as deep breathing or mindfulness techniques, may help reduce noise.
Should I inform others about my condition when using shared facilities?
It’s not necessary to inform others about your specific condition. However, if you need assistance or accommodations, it may be helpful to discreetly inform a restroom attendant or a trusted individual.
Are there any exercises or techniques to help control noise during diarrhea?
Deep breathing exercises and pelvic floor muscle exercises, such as Kegels, may help you gain better control over bowel movements and minimize noise.
What can I do if noise becomes unavoidable during diarrhea?
If noise becomes unavoidable, remind yourself that it’s a natural bodily function and try to let go of any embarrassment or self-consciousness. Remember that everyone experiences digestive issues from time to time, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of.
Final Words and Advice 💭
These are just some tips to help minimise the noise you might make when dropping your load.
You would be surprised how effective some of these techniques can be although a few may need more practice than others.
It is best if you try them out in private before using them on the fly.
But remember to not get angry when you make a noise because everyone else has been in the same position and, who knows, you might get some praise or sympathy from your audience.
Indeed, in some quarters a noble performance is considered a right of passage so don’t feel too bad if the trouser thunder drowns out your silencing efforts.
So don’t worry about making a bit of noise while taking care of business.
What is more important is health and hygene.
Anyway I hope this has been helpful in some way and that you have learned how to deal with the noise of diarrhea.