As quiet as a church mouse

Why do you need to be quiet in a library?




why do you need to be quiet in a library

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The library is a place for people to come and study, read, and do research.

You may think that libraries are like any other public space but they don’t need to be filled with noise and chatter.

The reason that people are asked to not speak loudly or make loud noises when they’re in a library is because it distracts others from focusing on reading/studying/learning. If you’re making noise while inside the library then this disrupts other people who need to concentrate and work in peace.

Libraries are productive places

Libraries are not meant to be chatty, noisy places where you can speak at the top of your lungs without consequence.

People like to come to the library because they need a safe and quiet place to study or read.

This is why librarians will tell you when you first walk into the library that you should keep your voices down and it’s also why there are signs throughout libraries telling patrons not to talk, whisper, whistle, use mobile phones etc.

The obvious question: So what’s so bad about talking?

It’s actually pretty simple: Talking disrupts everyone else around you who may be trying to concentrate on something.

If someone next to me is speaking loudly I’m much more likely to get distracted than if I’m sitting next to someone who is keeping quiet.

Libraries are filled with people trying to study, read, and learn so you should show respect for the people around you by keeping your voice down while inside the library.

It only take a few seconds of speaking loudly for everyone else in the library to be distracted and no longer able to focus on their work/reading/learning.

What about whispering?

Some people think that whispering is okay because it’s just talking really quietly but the reality is that having a conversation while whispering can be just as distracting to other as if you were talking.

If everyone is whispering around me then no matter how quiet they are I’m going to have a hard time trying to study because of all the noise.

I strongly encourage that you don’t talk, whisper, or have any loose conversations inside the library.

You can still be respectful and speak in a normal tone of voice

If you need to ask questions about something you’re reading or need help then you can ask the librarian at the service desks.

Don’t be tempted to shout across the room as you will just show yourself up and people will consider you as selfish or worse.

What if other people are talking loudly?

If you’re worried that others aren’t keeping their voices down then the best thing to do is remind them yourself. “Hey guys, can you keep it down a little please?” or something similar.

Don’t shout at people because they may be having trouble hearing you but just calmly ask people nicely to speak more quietly and in most cases they will oblige.

You’ll find that most people appreciate being asked politely.

I’ve seen some librarians shush people who are whispering. Does this mean they don’t want me asking questions either?

Librarians can get quite frustrated when patrons ignore the rules regarding noise in the library.

If you’re loud then you show yourself up to be inconsiderate but if you ignore a librarian when they ask you to keep your voice down then it makes you look bad and disrespectful too.

I’m sure that most librarians would love for patrons to politely come and ask them questions rather than just shouting across the room so please do try and speak with the staff whenever possible.

What about mobile phones? Can I use my phone on silent or vibrate mode inside the library?

This is another tricky topic, especially with all the new technology around these days.

With more people using smart phones it’s much easier for people to get distracted by their phone; either through text messages, playing games, sending emails etc.

It would be disrespectful to the people around you to have your mobile phone ringing and going off, so please turn it off completely while inside the library or better yet leave it in another room altogether.

Using your phone on silent isn’t really a solution because even though you can’t hear it yourself, everyone else can hear what is happening on your device and this will still distract them from their studies/reading/work.

If I’m studying then I might get distracted by hearing someone else’s notifications going off every couple of minutes as they get new messages or posts on social media websites like Facebook or Twitter.

This once again shows a lack of consideration for other patrons who may want to study quietly.

Final Words

Libraries are places for reading, studying and learning.

No one should have to compete with the noise of other patrons or a loud phone conversation when trying to engage in some quiet study time.

That’s why libraries require that you keep noise to a minimum while inside them – this is called “library etiquette”.

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