It might seem easy to sneak around in the dark, but there are actually a number of things you should know when going about your nightly activities.
From knowing how to walk silently so as not to disturb anyone nearby, what to wear (or not) on your feet and whether or not it’s worth bringing along any noisy devices like a phone or tablet, this article has all the information you need for successfully sneaking at night.
You might be surprised to find out that there are a lot of ways to sneak around quietly at night. From using your hands and feet as little as possible, to hiding in the shadows, there are many things you can do so that you don’t make any noise when sneaking.
This is especially true if you’re planning on playing an ambush prank on someone, or want to get up to some mischief without waking anyone else up.
In order to do this successfully though, it’s important that you don’t make any noise when sneaking around your house.
There are a few things that might seem pretty logical when trying to sneak around in the dark and not wake anyone up: like wearing shoes with rubber soles so they won’t squeak, or moving slowly so as not to knock over anything in your path.
However while these sorts of things might seem helpful for sneaking around, there are a number of ways you can sneak around without being noticed that could be just as useful.
Change the way that you walk when sneaking
This is an important tip, because while most people wouldn’t think twice about walking normally, doing so might make more noise than you realize (especially if your house isn’t carpeted).
Rather than bustling down the hallway in your socks or slippers, try taking short steps instead.
Tread slowly and lightly, walking heel down first and then rolling your foot forwards.
This should cut back on any unnecessary noise and help prevent anyone from waking up.
You can try this outside too, be light on your feet and move slowly and evenly.
How can I sneak downstairs at night?
One of the most common places you might find yourself sneaking around at night is in your own home, and it’s likely that this will involve going downstairs.
When doing this, try to avoid walking on tiled or wooden floors, which tend to make a lot of noise no matter what you do.
If you are planning a night time excursion downstairs then it is often a good idea to work out beforehand where the creaky floorboards or stairs are so that you can avoid them during the night.

How do you sneak up on someone at night?
Keep your breathing quiet and steady. Don’t hold your breath or you will release it at the wrong time giving away your position.
Whisper if needed, but don’t make too much noise yourself.
Once close enough do a loud scream to scare the person into jumping or reacting in some other way.
What to wear when sneaking
It’s important that you don’t wear shoes while sneaking around at night if you want to stay as quiet as possible.
This is especially important if the floor or ground where you are walking is made of hard materials, which tend to creak and groan when stepped on.
If you’re going out after dark then boots might seem like a good idea, but they will make far too much noise for stealthy purposes.
Try wearing socks though, which will help keep your feet warm without making too much sound.
When choosing where to sneak, choose a path that isn’t tiled or wooden for the most silence.
If you’re planning on sneaking back into your room through your window then try not to make too much noise climbing into bed again afterwards.
What to avoid when sneaking
Avoid walking on tiled or wooden floors.
If you’re going to sneak out of your bedroom window then make sure you don’t bang it shut behind you!
While this might seem like a good idea at the time, the noise could wake up anyone who is sleeping in the room below.
One more thing that makes too much noise at night is using doors, so try and find back stairs or other ways of getting around without using them.
How to sneak past night guards
This is a little trickier, but if you can get into a position where you are above or behind the guard then it’s possible to move past him without attracting attention.
By doing this by slowly (if there’s no danger of being caught) and making as little noise as possible while moving through the area that he is patrolling.
It might be worth taking some time to work out exactly where he will be at various times during his shift so you can plan your route accordingly.
How do I sneak out of my house?
If you’re going on an adventure at night then try and think about how you will avoid waking up anyone else in your family before leaving.
If you’re planning on sneaking out then it’s usually best to wait until everyone else is asleep, but if this isn’t possible then try leaving either early in the morning or late at night.
Leave as much time between when people are going to bed and when you plan on sneaking out as possible (depending on how long it takes for them to fall asleep).
It’s likely that anyone who hears noises during the middle of the night will assume they are hearing things until they wake up properly, so make sure everyone knows what noises might be coming from downstairs or outside.
Final Words
If you need to sneak around, whether it’s for your job or just because you’re a sneaky person by nature then make sure you tick everything off from this list, otherwise there’s no point in doing it.
Sneaking isn’t that hard if you have the right preparations, so get out there and start trying some new things.
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