In a society that often favors the loudest voice, it can be rather difficult to find people who don’t say much.
These types of people are often called “quiet” or “laid-back.”. I’m sure many of you can think of at least one person who is shy or quiet.
Presumably, their silence indicates they are meek and timid or maybe dangerous, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. They simply know how to use silence as a powerful tool.
The idea that quiet people are dangerous is a stereotype. They are just as likely to be nice and friendly as they are to be mean. It all depends on the person’s personality, upbringing, and environment. The only difference between them and other people is their tendency for introversion instead of extroversion which means they might need more time alone than others do or want less attention from others than other people do but this doesn’t make them any more dangerous than anyone else.
Loud mouth versus quiet
It is often the loudest people who garner our attention and cause us to give little thought to those with quieter voices.
At most social gatherings, there are loud and chatty people who dominate the conversation.
Meanwhile, at that same party or meeting, those on the outskirts will often be introverts with little to say.
This person rarely talks but is very attentive. It may seem that they are uninterested in the discussion, when really they are trying to take it all in.
When this person finally speaks, their words will often stun the other members of the group with their wisdom and insight.
There are pros and cons to both of these types of people, but society needs a balance between them.
As a society, we often give the greatest attention to those with large personalities.
This is a mistake, because it causes us to miss out on amazing insights from people who are more reserved and quiet.
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There are many ways that quiet people are often misunderstood
People often assume that quiet people are shy, withdrawn and socially awkward.
However, they may be deep thinkers or in the process of working through an idea that is too difficult to surface in words immediately.
They may also be passive by nature – not projecting themselves because they do not seek attention or socialize with others very much.
Following this, it is common to make the assumption that someone who is quiet lacks the qualities of being creative, strong and intelligent.
However, quiet people can be entirely different from their character as shown here.
In reality they quietly watch and listen before acting on what they know – so be wary about upsetting a ”quiet” person, as you might discover they know much more than you thought.
In summary, a quiet person is not necessarily meek or weak and they can be dangerous.
A quiet person may be paying more attention to you than what you think.
You never know what someone might have to say about you until it’s too late.
In the end, remember that quiet people may have a lot to say, but not much at all.

Remember that the barking dog is the one that needs help
Just like a barking dog, the loud mouthed person is often the one that requires the most support and reassurance from his peers.
Often the noisy one is the least secure of the bunch whereas the quiet person is secure and comfortable in their skin.
Like the barking dog the loud person is looking for support but the silent guard dog is the one to watch out for, he doesn’t need help and is waiting to strike.
Never underestimate the power of a quiet person
The quiet person listens, observes and takes it in before speaking; this gives them time to think about, practice and refine their ideas while the loud one is still thinking of his next sound bite.
So when that “quiet” man speaks make sure you listen closely because his words might blow you away with their clarity and logic.
Being quiet does not mean that they are weak or submissive, it just means that they don’t need to be the center of attention all the time.
They know what they have to offer and understand their strengths and weaknesses.
This is why they do not need to be loud all the time in order for other people to accept them or respect them, on the contrary; in this world filled with noise, being silent can be a more effective tool for persuasion and influence.
Quiet people do not lack social skills; in fact, they are often better listeners and communicators than the loud ones.
Rather than throw their weight around like the extrovert, they develop relationships based on trust and respect.
Final Words
Contrary to what you may believe, people who are quiet in social situations don’t always have something to hide.
They might just be introverts or shy and not want the spotlight on them all of the time.
It’s likely that they are secure, intelligent individuals who sit back, take everything in and engage brain before mouth which may actually make them less dangerous than those that jump into conversations without thinking.
So, next time you meet a quiet person socially, rather than view them as dangerous or weird, try talking to them, you could get a big surprise.
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