Have you been hearing strange noises coming from inside your walls late at night?
If so, you’re not alone. Many homeowners have reported similar experiences, and often wonder what could be making all that noise.
The answer usually comes down to a few common culprits.
Let’s take a look at some of the most likely suspects.
Animals and insects are the most common causes of scratching in the walls. They get into the home through cracks and set up shelter, particularly in the winter when the weather gets colder and they are looking for protection from the elements.
Pests and Rodents
One of the most common causes of scratching sounds in walls is pests and rodents.
Mice, rats, squirrels, and even birds can find their way into your home through small openings around windows or door frames.
Once inside, they’ll set up shop in your walls and make themselves comfortable.
Rats will build nests out of whatever materials they can find, while mice are more likely to scavenge for food or chew on wires.
The scratching sound you hear is them moving around as they search for food or build nests.

Insects like cockroaches and termites can also cause scratching noises in the walls.
Cockroaches tend to make their homes near warm sources of food and water, such as kitchens or bathrooms, while termites will eat wood fibers from within the wall structure itself.
Both types of insects can cause significant damage to a home if left unchecked.
Bats can also be responsible for strange noises late at night.
If you’re hearing high-pitched scratching and squeaking, it could be a bat in your walls.
These flying creatures often nest inside attics or wall cavities, and they’ll make their presence known by scratching around as they search for food.
Structural Problems
If you don’t have any pests or rodents running around your home, then it could be structural issues that are causing the noise in your walls.
As houses age, their foundation can settle over time which can cause cracking in the walls or ceilings — this movement may create a scraping sound as it settles into place.
Other structural problems such as loose pipes may also contribute to scratching noises coming from inside your walls at night.
Before you take action remember that some species, such as bats, are protected in many areas.
How Can I Stop The Scratching Sounds?
If you suspect that pests are causing the scratching noises in your home, one of the best ways to stop them is by sealing off any entry points they may be using to get inside.
Fill any gaps or cracks around windows and doors with caulk or foam insulation, install door sweeps on all exterior entryways, clear away any debris near vents and foundation areas, and check for any potential nesting sites such as attics or chimneys.
Additionally, consider setting up traps outside your home to catch any active rodents before they can enter.
For insect-related scratching sounds—such as those caused by cockroaches—try cleaning out cluttered areas where insects could be hiding and setting up insect traps near windowsills or other common entry points.
If birds are making a nest nearby, try using a bird repellent like an owl decoy or noise-maker to discourage them from staying near your home.
Finally, if tree branches are likely behind the noise (especially if it only occurs during windy weather), try trimming back any trees close enough to reach your house so that they can no longer cause a disturbance.
Final Words
Scratching noises inside walls can be alarming and mysterious, but with a little research and investigation, you can usually find the source of these sounds.
Whether it’s pests, rodents, bats, or structural issues that are causing the noise in your walls late at night — there are steps you can take to stop them from happening.
Be sure to follow all safety guidelines when dealing with any pests or animals in your home and look for professional help if needed and remember that in some areas certain animals are protected so it’s important to know local laws before taking any drastic measures.
With the right tools and knowledge, you can have a peaceful home in no time.