When you think about camping, the first thing that may come to mind is a tent. And while this is one way of experiencing the great outdoors, it’s far from the only way!
Camping can be done in many different ways and with an immense variety of equipment.
Whether you are looking for tips on how to camp like a pro or just need some information on what camping entails, we have 10 pieces of advice for anyone who has never gone camping before. Read ahead for all the helpful information you’ll ever need!
Camping is a great way to get back to nature and enjoy the outdoors. But it can be overwhelming when you have no idea what you’re doing.
That’s why we’ve compiled these 10 tips for first time campers just like you.

The first thing you’ll need to do is figure out what type of camping experience suits your needs. There are many different types, from backpacking and car-camping all the way up through glamping (glamorous camp).
Once that’s settled then it becomes a matter or figuring which gear will work best for where/how long.
These simple steps will help make your next camping trip an enjoyable one, so read on! And don’t forget to pack some marshmallows too – they’ll go great over the fire at night.
Bring a tent and sleeping bag
These are the most basic items you’ll need to bring with. A tent will protect against bugs, rain and wind while a sleeping bag provides warmth at night when it’s cold outside (or even if there are just chilly winds).
You can also buy an air mattress or cot for added comfort in your sleep area – but make sure they’re waterproof!
Tents come in various shapes and sizes and you should choose one that is slightly larger than your requirements so that you have plenty of room.
Sleeping bags are also available in different forms, mainly in terms of the temperature levels that they can handle and how much protection they provide.
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Pack clothes for all weather conditions
This is a tip that many people forget. You need to pack clothes for all weather conditions, including rain gear and warm clothing in case it gets cold at night or during the day when you’re hiking around exploring nature!
A good rule of thumb would be one set per person plus an extra change just in case something happens on your trip (like spilling coffee over yourself).
If there are children involved then make sure they have their own bag with plenty more changes than adults – kids can get dirty very quickly so this will help keep them clean throughout camp time too!.
It’s also worth considering what activities might happen while camping such as fishing trips where wet suits may come into play if water sports aren’t planned beforehand.
A waterproof backpack will be a good addition for each member of the camping party as it will help to keep clothes and other items dry if the weather is bad.
Bring a map of the area
and a compass
This is an important tip for any camper. A map and/or GPS can be invaluable in the event that you get lost or need to find your way back home, especially if it’s dark outside!
It may also come as no surprise but there are many people who have never used either of these items before so this would make them feel more confident about their camping experience.
If someone does not know how use one then they should bring along somebody else with some knowledge on navigation techniques just in case something goes wrong during camp time!.
A good idea when packing up all those supplies might include bringing two compasses – sometimes things don’t go as planned, equipment can get damaged or simply stop working and, although it may seem to be an inconvenience and extra expense, an extra compass or GPS could be a lifesaver if you get lost.
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Find out about wildlife in the area before you go, so you’ll know what to expect
If you’re camping in an area that’s known for bears, it might be a good idea to bring some bear repellent spray.
If there are any poisonous snakes or spiders around the campsite then make sure all your food is stored away from them and if possible keep anything with sweet smelling fragrance out of reach too!
It may also help not leave clothes on trees as this can attract insects such like mosquitoes which could lead into bites when they land so always hang up clothing instead!.
One thing I would recommend doing before going outdoors at night time – even though many people don’t think about these things until after something has happened-is wearing light coloured long sleeve shirts/pants because bugs (such)as mosquitos will find dark colours more attractive and they are more likely to land on or congregate near to dark colours.
It is also important to make sure you have a first aid kit with all the essentials in it and that everyone knows where they are located so if someone does get injured or sick then there will be no need for panic!
Make sure your vehicle is well-maintained
You can often be miles from anywhere and running out of fuel can be a disaster. Remember that fuel stations can be few and far between when you are in remote areas and the ones that are there may open infrequently or at odd times of the day.
Always check oil and water levels and the condition of tyres. Take some basic spares with you such as bulbs, spare fan belt, a can of tyre weld and a basic tool kit.
You may not need any of these but it is always best to be prepared.
Take insect repellent
If there are insects that bite or sting where you’re going it is recommended to take some insect repellent.
Especially during summer months, it’s important to take precautions against mosquito bites which can transmit diseases in some parts of the world.
Even if disease is not a risk the bites and irritations that can be caused will contribute to spoil your camping trip.
Things such as Citronella candles can be useful during the evening when you might be sat outside enjoying the peace and quiet.
It’s always a good idea to find out where the nearest medical facility is and how you can raise the alarm to get help. This could be vital if you get bitten by a poisonous animal or insect.
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Pick up some firewood on your way
Pick up some firewood on your way to campgrounds, or bring along a lighter and some matches just in case you need them.
Having a campfire is great fun and one of the delights of camping. Always take care when considering a camp fire and put safety first.
Pack food that doesn’t require cooking
If possible, pack food that doesn’t require cooking over an open flame such as sandwiches or salads; this will help conserve fuel for cooking later on when needed most (and save money!)
Remember that your diet will change somewhat when you are camping but this does not mean that you need to scrimp on quality. You can be creative with your campsite meals.
The best part about camping is that you can be as creative and adventurous with your meals.
You don’t need to cook over an open flame, so pack sandwiches or salads if possible!
Remember: safety first when considering a campfire; put it out before going back in the tent for bedtime (or at least make sure someone else knows how).
It’s also important not only bring enough food but drink plenty of water too – dehydration will ruin any trip fast!.
Pack some snacks like granola bars just in case hunger strikes while on trail exploring without access nearby stores/restaurants etc…
If you are feeling adventurous you could get some ration packs that include dried foods and other items. Easy to carry and use, and good for energy too.
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Keep your campsite clean
Keep your campsite clean by picking up litter and putting out fires before they die down completely.
Always tidy your campsite before you pack up and leave.
You should aim to leave the camp as though you had never been there.
Pack out all trash including food scraps because animals will smell them as well which can lead into other problems like bears coming around looking through campsites etc… Pack everything up securely inside garbage bags then carry those outside camp and dispose of them properly.
If you need to take them home then do so. Remember that animals will explore your rubbish and it could harm them if you leave it lying around.
Use biodegradable soap for washing dishes or clothes
Use biodegradable soap for washing dishes or clothes to avoid polluting the environment .
The best way is not using any detergent at all and to simply wash things in without any forms of detergent.
This way you not only remove any risks of causing pollution but you don’t have to carry any washing up liquid with you either.
If you’re camping near a river or lake, be careful not to contaminate the water supply by washing anything that’s dirty directly into it!
If possible use designated “waste” areas instead of any nearby rivers and lakes for disposing human waste from toilets/sinks etc;
If there are no such facilities then make sure your toilet is at least 200 feet away (70 meters) in order avoid polluting these precious resources with chemicals like soap which can harm wildlife living downstream too – so don’t forget biodegradable products here either!.
This also applies when cooking food: never wash dishes containing raw meat downriver but rather dispose of them properly first.
Camping is one of the most rewarding outdoor activities you can do, and it’s really easy to get started.
Whether you’re hiking in the mountains, wildcamping or just out for a weekend at your campground, the goal is to make it an enjoyable experience for everyone involved–including you.
Being out in the fresh air is a great way to reconnect with yourself, reduce stress levels and get closer to nature and these 10 tips will make sure that your first time camping is an enjoyable experience.