Quiet time with God is the best way to get in touch with your creator and know him better.
When we feel overwhelmed by the busyness of life, it is so important to take a break and spend some quality one-on-one time with our creator.
We all need that time to recharge ourselves and reconnect with what matters most in this world; Jesus Christ.

The Bible says that we will never find peace apart from Him, and that’s why it’s important to spend quality time in His word for our own sake.
But what does this really mean? How can you take the idea of “quiet” and turn it into a productive activity? And how should you set up your quiet time so that it works well for you? Find out all these answers and more by reading on.
Why should I have a quiet time?
The Bible is full of stories about how the disciples would “rise and pray” before they went out to preach.
Without realizing it, they were establishing a routine that has been followed by Christians for centuries.
When we have quiet times with God, our relationship with Him deepens due to the fact that we are spending quality time with Him and listening to His voice.
When should I have a quiet time?
A good way to establish your quiet time is to build it into your daily schedule as soon as you wake up in the morning.
For example, perhaps you could pray while drinking coffee or breakfast?
Then try praying for those around you before you leave the house for school or work.
As you go about your day, keep track of conversations and thoughts that happen to you so that you can return to God with them after your quiet time.
Your quiet time should take place before doing anything else , and it should be done before going to bed as well.
That way, it becomes a habit that you can engage in every day with no problem.
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What should I do during a quiet time?
The simplest form of quiet time is just to sit back and let God speak to your heart.
You don’t have to make an agenda for it, or worry about what you’re going to say when He gives you new insights into the Bible.
Just sit back and listen. You might do this for five minutes or an hour , depending on how much time you have and how easily distracted you get.
When listening to God, the important thing is to start thinking about what He has to say.
The simplest form of quiet time is just to sit back and let God speak to your heart.
If your schedule is packed with activities, you still need to find time for a quiet time.
That’s why it’s important to get up early enough so that you have half an hour to dedicate to God.
If you don’t like getting up early, start scheduling your day differently so that you can make time for Him .
You might have to get off social media and stop watching TV for a while, but that’s okay because you’ll be much happier in the long run.
What else should I do during a quiet time?
In your quiet time, there are four things that you should focus on :
Reading Scriptures – Praying – Listening to God – Meditating
Reading Scripture
The first step to having a good quiet time is to read the Bible.
You probably know your way around it pretty well already, so don’t be afraid of skipping over verses that you’ve already found important.
Instead, look for passages that really grab your attention . These are the ones that God has prepared just for you.
Praying the second part of having a quiet time is to pray
Praying is key because it’s the way we communicate with God . Once you’ve read something in the Bible that really resonated, try talking with God about it.
Bring up everything that came to mind when you were reading Scripture and tell God what He should do about it.
Listening to God
Once you have prayed for a while, it’s time to listen.
God will send you thoughts that are meant just for you , so take note of what pops into your head and write it down.
As you pray, He’ll start telling you something about Himself or the meaning behind Scripture.
Your last step in having a quiet time is to meditate on what God has said, so that it sinks in.
You can do this by thinking about his words as you go about your day and jotting down any thoughts that seem to resonate.
As you continue to have quiet times with God, He is going to show you more and more truth.
Eventually, the Bible will come alive as every verse becomes as familiar to you as the back of your hand.
Final Words on Quiet Time
No matter how busy you are, you can always find time for God.
Quiet times don’t have to be all that fancy, but they should be meaningful .
After all, this is the relationship you want to nurture with your Creator for the rest of the days on this earth.
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