As quiet as a church mouse

How can you tell if a quiet guy likes you?




how can you tell if a quiet guy likes you

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Have you ever had a guy who was shy and kept to himself when he first met you but then, after spending some time with him, he became more social?

If so, there is a good chance that he likes you.

Quiet guys are often really nervous about what others will think of them or they have been hurt in the past by someone who didn’t appreciate their personality.

They may also be introverts which means that they need more time to open up to new people.

Regardless of the reason for his initial silence once he starts talking more and interacts with other people around him it’s very likely that he is interested in getting to know you better.

What should I do if a quiet guy doesn’t talk to me?

The question of whether or not a guy likes you can be difficult to answer.

He may just be shy, reserved, or have some other personality trait that makes him seem uninterested.

But there are also cases when he is interested and just doesn’t know how to show it. If you’re really into this guy, here’s how you can tell if he likes you back:

  1. Watch his body language for signs of attraction – is he staring at your eyes? Is he unconsciously smiling while talking with you?
  2. Is his posture open and inviting like yours? These could all mean the same thing-he’s attracted.
  3. Does he like the things you do?
  4. Pick your favorite boys’ group/ star and ask him whether or not he’s a fan. You can even go a step further and suggest going to their concert together.

The point here is that if you’re both interested in each other, then there should be some sort of connection between the two of you.

If there isn’t, then he probably doesn’t like you, and your efforts to get his attention will just be awkward and embarrassing for everyone involved.

Does he try to avoid eye contact? Does he scoot away from you on the sofa? Does he laugh at your jokes?

If he does, then you are likely on the right track.

But if he doesn’t seem to be doing any of these things, and seems generally unresponsive to you, then there’s a good chance that he likes someone else better.

Just because he is quiet doesn’t mean he doesn’t like you

He might be shy or he is pretending not to notice you.

You should talk to him and try to get some clues and signs from him like if he already has a girlfriend, is he still single etc.

More often than not, if he doesn’t talk to you then there is a good chance that he is interested in getting to know you more.

As ridiculous as it sounds, many guys struggle to talk to girls that they like, until they get to know them, mainly due to the fear of being rejected.

If you like the guy then sometimes you may have to make the first move.

How should I approach a quiet guy?

Approach the guy by walking straight up to him and say hi. Ask him if you can sit with him and start a conversation.

You may be surprised at how receptive he is to such forwardness, but don’t be embarrassed by it either.

If the guy really likes you, then he will appreciate your approach. After all, not every girl will take that extra step to walk up to him and start a conversation.

You should try to make your convo interesting and fun. If you are very shy, then it may be a good idea to talk about common topics such as school, work or hobbies.

A good way to start the conversation is by asking him how he is today or something that might seem like more of an ice-breaker.

How to make a quiet guy like you?

First, you need to take a look at your appearance and accentuate the things that best suit you.

If it’s your long legs, then wear some nice shorts; if it’s your curvy figure, then wear something form fitting to show it off.

Do whatever you can to stand out in the crowd-if you look nice, he’ll notice.

Now that you’ve taken a good look at what’s on your body, take a look inside and see if there is anything wrong with yourself.

If there are any bad habits or self-destructive behavior patterns, then try to correct them now.

He’ll appreciate it when you take a moment to look your best, and the fact that you are spending time on yourself is sure to get his attention.

However, if you aren’t feeling too bad about yourself then don’t try so hard to impress him.

Just casually brush your hair or check out your makeup throughout the day and he’ll be able to tell that you’re taking care of yourself.

If he likes your looks, then there is a good chance that he will like the person you are as well.

How to know if a guy likes me?

A lot of people have trouble understanding their opposite sex and what they mean when they do or say things so it can be tough to tell if someone likes you or not.

But if you want to know how to know if a guy likes you, then it’s important that you don’t try too hard.

If he truly cares about you, then he will make an effort without any prompting from your end.

How do I show him that I like him?

You can show him your interest in him by giving him compliments.

If he is always wearing a hat, then just try saying that you really like the way it looks on him or wear.

Or if he has been doing something funny or entertaining lately then compliment his sense of humor. But don’t go overboard with the compliments.

Complimenting him too much can make you seem like you are desperate and needy.

It’s important to let him know that he is special and that he has your attention, but if you overload him, then it might backfire on you.

Get one or two neat things about him and compliment about it often.

How to get a quiet guy to like me for more than one night?

When you are looking at how to get a guy to like you for more than one night, then it’s important that you be yourself.

If you try too hard or give in too quickly, then he will know that you’re trying to please him and that is a turn off.

It’s also important to remember that you can’t force someone to like you-just because you want it doesn’t mean he will as well.

If you really think he likes you, then try asking him out on a casual date such as watching a movie or going for dinner, but in the back of your mind, you should still be prepared that he might not like you back.

If he does reject you however, then don’t try too hard to get him to change his mind-just move on and leave him be.

How can I tell if a quiet guy is in love with me?

When it comes to how can I tell if a guy is in love with you, then it’s important to remember that guys can be very unobservant and you may not know if he truly likes you or not.

If he hasn’t said anything about liking you though, then there are some signs that will help determine his feelings for you.

Is he always trying to get close to you or asking to hang out more than what is considered normal?

Does he seem uncomfortable when you are with other guys or do they make him feel jealous?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then there is a good chance that he does have romantic feelings for you.

Final Words

Many girls want to know if a quiet guy likes them. Maybe you’ve known him for years, or maybe he just moved into your building and started smiling at you during morning coffee breaks.

Either way, it can be tough deciphering the signals that are being sent by someone who doesn’t speak up very often.

A guy might not always be upfront about his feelings, but if you pay attention to what he says and does around you then it will become clear.

If a guy likes you, he’ll want to spend time with you and get your attention.

He’ll also try to make an effort by asking questions or showing interest in your day-to-day life.

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