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Do ham radios work in the mountains?




do ham radios work in the mountains

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If you enjoy walking or exploring the great outdoors then you’ll probably want to have a communication method just in case you experience any difficulties.

Or perhaps you’re an amateur radio operator that is looking to investigate and experiment with portable devices on high ground.

Whatever you’re need you may wonder if ham radios work in mountain areas and other high ground.

Which ham radios will work best in mountain areas?

If you are out walking then you’ll probably want to make use of a portable, rechargeable ham radio.

Most ham radios of this type operate on the VHF and UHF bands which offer reliable and good quality communications over ‘line of sight’.

This means that in optimal conditions you will be able to transmit your signal towards the horizon ie. line of sight without any great difficulties.

Your maximum range will be impacted by the power of the radio and the weather conditions along with any obstructions.

There are a wide range of cheap ham radios available that operate on the VHF and UHF bands and which offer reliable performance with good power levels averaging anywhere between 4 to 8 watts.

Most of these radios have the capacity to connect to repeaters which will extend your contact range and have long life batteries which will easily last for the duration of a day’s trekking, if not longer.

Can I just buy a ham radio and use it when in the mountains?

Not unless you are a licenced ham radio operator.

You need to pass an examination which will grant you permissions and a licence to operate a ham radio legally.

There are other forms of radio communication available that can be used by non licenced people but these are not as effective as ham radio and will not perform as well in terms of range or reliability.

Your best option for un licenced radio operation while in the mountains would be something such as a handheld CB radio such as the President Randy which is widely regarded as one of the best CB handhelds.

What are the benefits of a ham radio in mountain areas?

A ham radio has an impressive range and this will mean that you can be located if there is any trouble.

You could also use it to request help from other operators further afield which will increase your chance of being rescued, providing aid or even just keeping in touch with friends and family.

The fact that they are portable also makes them ideal for outdoor use and you could even take one with you on a walk to maintain contact while out exploring.

Having a ham radio in case of any emergencies is an excellent idea since it will increase the chance of being found should something go wrong.

What are the limitations of ham radios in mountain areas?

As with all forms of radio communication your range will be impacted by the terrain and any obstructions.

This will mean that you could experience problems such as poor signal penetration through valleys which will reduce your contact distances.

However, if you use a repeater then this will help to increase your range and the power of the radio will also play a role in this.

There are other limitations to ham radios such as their price and these can be quite expensive which is why most people only invest in them if they plan to use one often and for more than just travel purposes.

However, many hikers consider them an essential piece of kit and feel much safer knowing that they can contact anyone, anywhere should the need arise.

Where is a good place to use a ham radio in mountain areas?

A high vantage point such as a peak will give you the best opportunity for ‘line of sight’ and this means that your range will be at its maximum.

You could also try using the radio in a mountainous area where there are high peaks or ridges which provide clear lines of sight.

Do ham radio operators use ham radios in mountainous areas?

There are plenty of ham operators who use their radios while exploring the great outdoors and many of them will trek into remote areas just to experience nature at its purest.

A popular activity among some amateur operators is something called ‘Summits on the Air‘ where operators will trek to the top of mountains, hills and other high points and set up a station there.

They will then seek to contact as many other amateur operators as possible over the course of a few hours.

Awards are given to operators for their efforts and many operators will travel great distances visiting different hills and mountains to add to their ‘portfolio’ of contacts.

Radio hams also assist emergency services and mountain rescue operations with their communications when the need arises, due to the reliability of the equipment and the expertise of the operators.

Final Words

Ham radios do work in mountains and some great results can be achieved from mountain summits with communications across significant distances.

Many ham operators who enjoy climbing and walking will have a portable radio with them, often for generating a few contacts while on the hills but frequently as a safety backup for use when mobile phone reception may be marginal or unavailable.

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